Ir. Rony Sumaryana, MM, MBA
• Senior Auditor SMK3 (Kemnaker RI)
• IRQA ISO-9001 Lead Auditor
• BNSP Competency Assessor
• Ahli K3 Umum (Kemnaker RI)
• Ahli K3 Kebakaran (Kemnaker RI)
• Ahli K3 PTP (Kemnaker RI)
Mr. Sumaryana is our SMK3 Senior Auditor as the Auditor Team Leader who has long experiences in the area of technical and management in petrochemical and chemical Industries. His background as Chemical Engineer as well as Master of Business Administration has equipped him with the ability to help the companies in objectively evaluating their health and safety performance. In earlier career, he is experienced in setting-up and implementing several management systems in the company such as ISO-9001, ISO-14001, and ISO- 50001 including SMK3. His contribution as national expert to various national development projects funded by foreign institutions such as GIZ Germany, ADB, UNDP, etc. is a unique added value to his experience in management system that bring him to the capacity of communication to both local and multinational companies. Since Mr. Sumaryana has a technical background as specialist in general safety, fire safety, and production equipment as well as K3 regulations compliance, he is understand very well whether a company is able to be SMK3 certified.